Muhammad Jamal
3 min readJan 22, 2022


How to Minimize Distraction in Modern Workplace Environment

The modern age is the age of distractions, and no one can claim that he gives 100% attention to work. Research shows that 70% of the employees complain that they cannot focus on work as they get distracted. Mobile calls, social media notifications, gossips, and noisy colleagues divert attention, and employees cannot re-focus for a long time. It decreases productivity.

Distractions cost your mental health. For example, you have to meet deadlines daily, and distractions do not allow you to do so. This causes stress, as you have to work overtime at the cost of family and personal time. One cannot wholly avoid distractions but can limit distractions by acting on specific guidelines.

Work offline to Minimize Distraction:

The sweet noise of our mobile notification diverts our attention, and a tour starts. We go on from what’s App to Facebook, from Instagram to Snapchat, and so on. The key to working in a distraction-free environment is to work in offline mode. Turn off the mobile notifications. Some people also put reminders on their phones to remember something important. Use visual reminders like sticky notes to avoid such distractions.

Please don’t start your day by checking notifications; it kills your focus. Instead, start your day by completing challenging tasks. There is a pro tip, “learn healthy use of social media,” and you will notice a change in your life.

Practice Meditation:

Meditation helps the mind clear all the clutter of thoughts going on the mind. It enables the condition of mindfulness. Experts recommend meditation early in the morning; however if you find it difficult, you can also meditate in your workplace. Sit comfortably on your seat, straighten your posture, close your eyes, and focus on breathing. Let the stream of thoughts go, and not try to judge any thought.

You may find it difficult at the start, but once you get used to it, you will surely enjoy the process and will be able to avoid distractions.

Keep Your Workplace Ready Before Start:

Visual noise is one of the biggest distractions often get unnoticed. List of pending tasks, incoming work, and unnecessary files often create distraction more than any other factor. Before you start, remove all the clutter in your workspace. If you organize your workspace before starting, you can focus more and increase productivity.

Avoid Multitasking:

Multitasking is not a healthy practice as a multitasker loses focus. Jumping from one task to another kills the habit of focus. Research claims that multitaskers easily get distracted due to their short attention span. I often get astonished to see people mentioning multitasking as a skill in their resume. Remember: “Multitasking is not a skill; it is a distraction.”

In the end, I would say that any effort to reduce distraction at the workplace can only prove helpful if a person honors his commitments. Then, a little motivation and self-restriction can bear fruit; otherwise, all will be useless practice.



Muhammad Jamal

A student of journalism wants to change the mindset of readers by my writings.